How to leverage a risk register as a valuable performance tool

Many risk managers operate some risk register where the keep track of major risks to the company. This list is then addressed with a defined sequence in what may be known as "risk list management". However, in many companies, no attempt has been made to embed this list, nor the insights of it, in decision making and planning which is a significant lost opportunity.

In this session Hans will describe how he was working with a company to actively leverage the value of the risk list and leverage this to make a valid assessment as to the overall risk taking of the company vis a vis budgeted performance targets.

Findings were proven valuable to company management and the approach has become standard operating procedure.


Sample model

Presentation slides

About The Speaker

Hans Læssøe

Hans Læssøe

Founder, AKTUS

Utilizing my experience and insights, AKTUS consulting focus on leveraging risk management and strategy processes to enhance organizational maneuverability and make this a competitive advantage for organizations. In a volatile world, management of risks needs to deliver more than being safe when the boat is rocking. Perservering requires intelligent risk taking ... having the ability and courage to be the one rocking the boat.